Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ethan's first few weeks

Gathering pictures from two phones and a camera has been difficult while having a newborn. I know pictures are in high demand, so here are a few of my favorites from the last couple of weeks.

Sleeping on Daddy's chest- 3 weeks
Soo much milk.
Sleep smile. So sweet.
After his first bath, which he loved.

Tummy time.

Having a newborn has been a much different experience than I thought it would be. It is much harder in different ways than I thought it would be. Going without sleep seems like it will be hard, but it's really not that bad. I sleep about the same amount as I used to, it's just spread out over 12 hours instead of all condensed. Once you get used to that it's not so bad! 

We have struggled a bit with breastfeeding. This Mama is in pain when the baby eats! We have good days and bad days, but we have lots of support from experienced lactation consultants, so we're working it out. 

The most exhausting part of having a newborn (maybe this gets better with the second?) is constantly second guessing everything. Should he be sleeping now? Should I wake him up to feed him? Did he eat enough? Does he want to be held? What about the swing? Can we give him a pacifier? Can he take a bottle? He only pooped three times today, is that enough? He pooped 12 times today, is that too much? Is his poop the right color? 

So. Many. Questions. 

When it comes down to it, we tell ourselves- God already created this incredible miracle. He will give us the wisdom that we need to take care of him and help him grow. Lord, grant us wisdom as we raise Ethan to grow into a God-fearing, loving man.